For one, insiders have a permanent lock on control of the company but hold only a small minority of the equity capital. 首先,内部人士虽然只拥有少数股权,但却对公司拥有永久的控制权。
But I have a sneaking sympathy with his desire to redefine risk more simply as the permanent loss of capital. 但我内心里却隐隐地支持他的诉求:即将风险更简单地定义为资本的永久亏损。
Mr Aso will call on other IMF member countries to inject additional permanent capital into the fund while offering$ 100bn out of Japan's$ 980bn in foreign exchange reserves as an interim measure. 麻生将呼吁IMF其它成员国向该组织注入更多永久性资金,同时从日本9800亿美元外汇储备中拿出1000亿美元作为临时举措。
ArticleOne of the United States Constitution provides for a federal district, distinct from the states, to serve as the permanent national capital. 第一个美国宪法规定,联邦区,不同的国家,作为常任理事国的国家资本。
Bankers have courted the company for years but only in the past year has Glencore become open-minded to schemes to raise "permanent capital". 多年来,银行家一直向该公司示好,但嘉能可只是在过去一年才愿意听取筹集“永久资本”的方案。
It realised the banks needed permanent capital, not sales of dubious assets at low prices. 它认识到,银行需要的是永久性资本,而不是低价处置问题资产。
The board of directors may wish to transfer a portion of a large Retained Earnings balance to permanent capital. 董事会可能希望将大量留存收益余额的一部分转为固定资本。
The capital paid in by stockholders is regarded as permanent capital, not ordinarily subject to withdrawal. 股东缴入的资本作为公司的永久资本,一般不能提用。
Definite property rights, permanent or long term: Without property rights, there is no basis for determining capital value. 定义产权,永久或者长期:没有产权就无法决定价值。
The plan is to take the fund the public on the Singapore Stock Exchange within 24 months, catering to the demand of investors for yield in a low interest world and giving the fund the nirvana of permanent capital. 目前的计划是在24个月内让上述基金在新加坡证交所上市,满足低利率环境中投资者对收益率的需求,也让基金进入资本一直充足的佳境。
However, I am not willing to incur risk of substantial permanent capital loss in seeking to better long term performance. 但是,我不会承担资本金重大永久损失的风险来换取更高的长期业绩。
But, to be sustained over time, the phenomenon needs to develop sources of permanent capital. 但要想经受住时间的考验,私人股本市场必须找到永久资本的来源。
Secondly, industry life cycle has permanent impression on the capital structure of Chinese listed companies. 产业生命周期阶段能够稳定、有效的影响上市公司的资本结构。
Conduct effect of interest rate of monetary policy mainly concludes the mobile effect, interest rate investment and consumption effect, Tobin's Q effect, Annie's permanent long income effect, assets adjusting effect and true capital price effect of interest rate etc. 货币政策利率传导效应主要有流动性效应,新古典综合派的利率投资和消费效应,托宾Q效应,莫迪里安尼的恒久收入效应,利率真实资本价格效应和资产调整效应等。